Mods I have or want to have in my game, that I think is essential. Under construction. If there is just an URL, I probably added it on mobile with the intention of going back and update it and install it in my game later.
Bouncy camera fix
I was having issues with camera jumping up whenever I edited terrain. I am now testing THIS solution and hopefully it works

Mods I love or have found and wanted to share
Cheat codes
Modify career outfit: sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas
Unlock things in build mode
Top notch toddler
To make sure toddlers get the correct bonus trait after they grow up to children, once they reach the criteria give them the hidden trait Top_Notch_Toddler_Hidden or Happy_Toddler_Hidden . thanks to @LunaticVariant!
Realm of magic traits
Use Traits.Equip_trait x or traits.remove_trait x with the reference below:
- Slinger of Spells – Trait_Knowledge_SlingerofSpells
- Master Mixer – Trait_Nature_MasterMixer
- Weak Bloodline – Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineWeak
- Strong Bloodline – Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineStrong
- Ancient Bloodline – Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient
For sages:
- traits.equip_trait trait_MagicSage_Untamed
- traits.equip_trait trait_MagicSage_Mischief
- traits.equip_trait trait_MagicSage_Practical